Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The Best YouTube Proposals

1. Fake Marriage Trailer leads to a real engagement

2. Graffiti Proposal

3. Underwater proposal

4. Crazy marriage proposal

Saturday, June 2, 2012

The Do's and Dont's of South Florida Weddings

Here's what to do, according to Myrna Swire:
1. Always have fans or some sort of air-conditioning. Florida in the summer is beautiful, but it also can get up to degrees above 100.
2. Always, always, always have a backup plan in case of rain. Most resorts and hotels have some sort of indoor ballroom that can always be used in case of rain.
3. Make sure you have a roof in any sort of manner. There may be afternoon sun showers. Most bands also have clauses in their contracts that prohibit their instruments from getting wet. So you always have to have cover for them.

Here is what not to do:
1. Because it is hurricane season, don't underestimate the weather. Hurricanes can form within a matter of days.
2. Do your photos on the beach earlier in the morning when it's not too hot and not raining so that you'll have the ocean in your photos, but don't rely on the sun-shining at 4 p.m. before your ceremony
3. As much as you've dreamt of an ocean ceremony, don't have a wedding on the beach in the summer.

Don't let this happen to you!